Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Top Ten Lists ( in no particular order )

Bored, I like making top ten lists.....

Top Ten Artists At The Moment:

1. Joan Snyder
2. Robert Rauschenberg
3. Robert Ryman
4. Hiroshi Sugimoto
5. Mark Rothko
6. Willem De Kooning
7. Sol Lewitt
8. Sally Mann
9: Andy Warhol
10: Elizabeth Murray

Top Ten Music At The Moment:

1. Radiohead
2. Portishead
3. My Bloody Valentine
4. The Dillinger Escape Plan
5. The Velvet Underground
6. Aphex Twin
7. The Wu-Tang Clan
8. Ghostland Observatory
9: Everytime I Die
10: Foxy Shazam

Top Ten Writers At The Moment:

1. Jack Kerouac
2. Pablo Neruda
3. William Butler Yeats
4. Kurt Vonnegut
5. Emily Dickinson
6. George Orwell
7. Fyodor Dostoevsky (The Brothers Karamazov)
8. Stephen King Why does my font keep changing?
9. Max Brooks
10: Ayn Rand

I'll continue to add on once I figure out why this damn font is changing

The Pivot Questionnaire (Updated)

1. What is your favorite word?
Eh, no single word, but I've been calling annoying women No Good Trifling Ass Nefarious Tricks lately.

2. What is your least favorite word?
No word is taboo.

3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
I try to absorb everything because this world has so much to give, positive and negative

4. What turns you off?
No good trifling ass nefarious tricks

5. What is your favorite curse word?
Curse words have lost their zing, I enjoy combining my insults with a downer e.g. "You Fucking Failure"

6. What sound or noise do you love?
The beach at night is pretty cool.

7. What sound or noise do you hate?
The chatty sound dumb ass spoiled rich kids comparing cars....

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
maybe a Social Psychologist? Something Sociology related

9. What profession would you not like to do?
Again, I would hate to be the Janitor at a Porn Studio

10. If heaven exists, what would you like yo hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Jesus Christ it's Felipe Alcantara !

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I Remember

I remember thinking I was the shit because I had a pack of 64 crayola crayons
I remember the first time I played football, so that's what pigskin tastes like...
I remember learning the difference between football and futbol
I remember when luchables were a treat, not a given
I remember when cartoons were still crudely drawn
I remember going to my first art museum, I remember my life changing
I remember my first art class, and how I would wow my teacher
I remember just how uninterested she actually was
I remember my first whiff of paint, and it slid across cheap canvas
I remember doing the same last week. Man it reeks
I remember dreaming about galleries and money,
I remember realizing it probably won't happen, I remember not caring
I remember my first fight, I'm sure he remembers it too...
I remember feeling triumphant, and learning martial arts
I remember my second fight, and how unnecessary it is
I remember fighting in self defense, and the wound that came with it
I remember thinking how cruel people can be, that's for true
I remember my first girlfriend and how immature that was
found out what a broken heart was short after
I remember dating, and how high school girls all have the same M.O.
I remember meeting my current girlfriend and how annoying she is
still is
I remember the day my life changed and what responsibility really meant.
I remember I wasn't ready for it, still trying to work it out
I remember my first day of college and how excited I was
I remember went shit hit the fan right after
I remember my parents' divorce, almost 12 years ago
I remember I didn't know my father much then
still don't
I remember my first taste of a hard knock life, and my hatred for spoiled children
I remember starting this in class with the intention of it being shorter
I'm apparently attracting eves droppers around me, fine
I remember my first and only birthday party in 4th grade and how few friends I had
but man we were mischievous bastards.
I remember losing them one by one
One moved, Three dead, and One hates me, damn how the times change
I remember wishing this professor would shut the hell up, he's useless
I remember the accident and how much I cried, losing friends sucks
I remember swearing off alcohol even though it wasn't involved
I don't remember why I decided to go off on this
I remember when I decided to be an artist
I remember realizing that people responding more to what I have to say
when it was painted rather than said
I remember realizing people don't like to listen
I remember getting into music, and learning the bass
I remember contemplating being a musician and saying fuck it
I remember contemplating being a psychologist and saying fuck it
I remember contemplating studying philosophy and saying fuck that
I remember getting into sociology and left it hanging as a fall back
I remember thinking about all of this in high school
I remember quite a lot that I really don't want to, I hope one day I earn the right to forget.